This event has been successfully completed. We would like to thank everyone who attended the event. Archived videos of all sessions are available. Please visit the details page of each session.
The structure of our society has changed dramatically with the outbreak of COVID-19. Our economical and living environment is being raised questions, and we need constantly to adapt to these changes. For startups, entrepreneurs, and those involved in supporting startups, adapting to change is important to sustain their business and mission. It is not only necessary to innovate, but in some cases, it may be necessary to pivot the business.
However, it is common for startups to be asked to change. Startups that aim to grow their business rapidly need to be sensitive to changes in the market, lifestyle, technology, and other factors, and create services and products that adapt to these changes and deliver them to the market. For startups, adapting to change is a constant requirement.
We, Fukuoka Growth Next, are a startup incubation facility located in Fukuoka City, Japan. In planning this online event "CALLING", we set the theme as 「変化と適応」 ("Change and Adaptation" in English). All the contents of this event can be participated online. We look forward to your participation.
All sessions can be attended online at this site.
[Japanese to English subtitle available in this session]
Details about this session
Subtitles available in this session.
This subtitle is using the service of "Unison Systems", which was selected for the "Fukuoka City PoC Full Support Project".
[Japanese to English subtitle available in this session] It has been almost a year since the spread of COVID-19 began in Japan. It is still swinging our society like a pendulum on a global scale. The impact of COVID-19 has also had a major impact on the operations of Fukuoka Growth Next, a startup support facility. In addition to coworking spaces and incubation offices under the spread of the infection, we were required to change the way we held meetups and events, which were important places to connect people and organizations involved in startups. In this “CALLING” session, I would like to introduce the history of Fukuoka Growth Next and talk about what I would like to think about with you through this event.
Details about this session
Subtitles available in this session.
This subtitle is using the service of "Unison Systems", which was selected for the "Fukuoka City PoC Full Support Project".
This pitch session will feature FGN resident startups who are using their own unique methods to create a new social vision suitable for the post-COVID19 new normal.
Details about this session
Technologies for social infrastructures such as electricity, gas, medical care, and transportation, which support our economic activities, continue to evolve day by day. However, in order to make such technologies usable in society, it is not enough to simply develop services. It is necessary to design the technology in such a way that society can accept it with peace of mind, and in some cases, go beyond that to encourage society to update laws, regulations, ordinances, and the barriers of past norms and customs. What do startups need to do to update social infrastructure? In this session, cleantech startups, mobility startups, and intersectoral collaboration professionals will discuss the future after regulatory reform.
Details about this session
[English to Japanese subtitle available] This pitch session will feature FGN resident startups who have come to Fukuoka from overseas to establish a base and develop various businesses such as IoT and Japanese language learning support. Two companies, dopang and SMARTI, will be speaking in English and will be available for viewing in a subtitled version.
Details about this session
Subtitles available in this session.
This subtitle is using the service of "Unison Systems", which was selected for the "Fukuoka City PoC Full Support Project".
[English to Japanese subtitle available] Taiwanese market is one of the markets for Japanese companies to challenge in overseas markets due to its geographical location. In this session, we will invite a guest from a Taiwanese startup support facility to talk about how to support startups that are taking on global challenges from Fukuoka. The session will include an introduction to Taiwan’s ecosystem and outbound programs, as well as the experiences of FGN startups who have actually participated in Taiwan’s programs, explaining how they overcame barriers to doing business overseas, and how to challenge overseas in this new normal era. We will also discuss how to challenge overseas in this new normal era. The entire session will be held in English, so you can also watch it with subtitles. Please take advantage of the subtitle channel on the web page.
Details about this session
Subtitles available in this session.
This subtitle is using the service of "Unison Systems", which was selected for the "Fukuoka City PoC Full Support Project".
This pitch session will feature FGN startups that are challenging to update all industries such as fashion, construction, and food and beverage through application development. The session will also feature passionate entrepreneurs in their 20s and 30s, including current student entrepreneurs.
Details about this session
We don’t talk about what’s wrong as right.
Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about techniques and theories in the world. With the accelerating digitalization of society, it has become easier to get information outside of Tokyo. That’s why I’d like to hear something else in this session. I don’t want the session to be centered on words that have been said too many times.
I don’t think you can convey anything with hazy words. Competence is a number of efforts, and you can tell the guy from the guy by looking at him.
Mr. Kogure, who started his own business and is now a GP at a VC firm, Mr. Oshiba, who joined a VC firm after the company he joined in its early days grew, and Mr. Matsunaga, who joined a VC firm after a career in consulting and is now making Fukuoka a more exciting place to work. I am sure that each of them has their own aesthetics. Let’s talk about that on this day.
One word, one action, and We will make everyone understand.
Details about this session
Details about this session
Details about this session
Details about this session
The main theme of this event is "Change and Adaptation". Talk sessions will be held by startups and experts on each theme. You can pose questions to the discussions through chat and
13:50 - 14:20
14:30 - 15:20
15:30 - 16:00
16:10 - 17:00
Venture capitalists, investors, and specialists in various business domains will hold mentoring sessions for two days to provide one-on-one consultations with startup managers and entrepreneurs on the issues they face.
Genesia Ventures, Inc.
East Ventures
General Partner
General Partner
DCM Ventures
Coral Capital
Founding Partners
Managing Partner & COO
XTech Ventures
DCM Ventures
Investment Manager
FFG Venture Business Partners Co., Ltd.
Manager, Investment Business Department
F Ventures LLP
Representative Partner
DOGAN beta
Director Partner
Fukuoka Growth Next is a public-private partnership startup support facility established in the former Daimyo Elementary School building in Fukuoka City with the mission of creating future unicorn companies from Fukuoka. As of December 2020, more than 150 startup companies have moved in, and through unique hands-on programs, events, and pitch contests, we are helping startup companies and entrepreneurs create new value and challenge the global market. We also support start-ups and entrepreneurs to create new value and challenge the global market through our unique hands-on programs, events and pitch contests. It also contributes to the development of the local economy by creating jobs.